Welcome back to Gigi the Chic Fairy’s magical website. Since it is almost Easter, we’re wondering if you’ve chosen the beautiful pieces of jewelry that you’re going to wear. As you can see in Gigi’s photo above, she isn’t wearing any jewelry yet. She has so many choices and isn’t quite sure what she wants to select yet.
Enjoy this video that includes some magical hair accessories.
Personalized Bunny Necklace
This adorable bunny necklace can be personalized with an initial and birthstone. It is cute and chic at the same time because of the silver sheen. Learn more on Etsy.
Splendid Bunny and Bird Necklace
This bright and colorful necklace is beautiful with a bird and bunny on it. It also has some lovely floral accents to it. It can be found on Etsy.
Colorful Robbins Egg Earrings (Lightweight)
Adorable Easter Earrings
These amazing Easter egg earrings are also known as robbins’ egg earrings. They are lightweight and have such lovely details to them. Find them on Etsy.
Easter Earrings, Easter Bunny Earrings, Easter Dangle Earrings, Easter Teardrop Earrings
Fun Teardrop Earrings
These teardrop earrings have a fun flair to them. They are extremely detailed and each one has a rabbit with an Easter basket on it. Learn more on Etsy.
Cute Easter Bracelet
We found a bunny bracelet that had lots of beautiful beads and a rabbit on it too. It will pair well with many different outfits this Easter. Full details are available on Etsy.
Sweet Silver Bunny Bracelet
This silver and gold bracelet has several rabbits on it. It has a very chic look to it, so we know that will be a top choice when it comes to Gigi the Magical Chic Fairy choosing what she’s going to wear this Easter. This bracelet can be found on Etsy.
Stunning Floral Ring
This beautiful pink floral ring is great for Easter and springtime. It will look great with Gigi’s signature green and pink Easter dress. Find the ring on Etsy.
Fantastic Cameo Bunny Ring
This bunny cameo ring has fantastic features on it. The rabbit is black and looks incredible. Gigi especially likes this one. Learn more on Etsy.
Thank you again for visiting Gigi the Chic Fairy’s magical website. We hope that you’ll spend some time discovering all the incredible pages that she has available. There is so much magic to discover.
You can enjoy some special activities with Gigi for Easter too.
Discover Teelie Turner’s complete collection of magical books here.
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